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The Department of Geology, Government College, Kottayam was established in 1976 with the introduction of B.Sc. Geology course and Prof. P. Krishnan Nair as its Founder Professor and Head. M.Sc. Geology course was started in 1984 and research centre in 2023.


* Spatial development of the department:

Establishment of a) Geochemistry Lab, b) GIS lab, c) Advanced Petrological Lab, d) Installation of Rock Garden

*Academic Performance:


SARD sponsorship:

Starting of  Research centre

Programmes offered: B Sc (Geology)

                                    M Sc (Geology)

                                    Ph. D (Geology)


Intake of students:      B Sc- 15

                                    M Sc- 10

Core features:


               The department has a GIS lab with 8 computers. Students have free access to this facility. Students who do not have experience with computers have been given working knowledge of computer operations by the staff members. Further, students are encouraged to make use of resources in internet through the central internet facility established in the college.

Analytical Facilities and Museum

A fully fledged GIS lab has been established in the department. In spite of constraints in space, the facility is made use of by the staff and students in research and project work.

Advanced fluid inclusion studies are now undertaken in the Petrological and Mineralogical Microscopy Facility in the department.

The geochemical laboratory with necessary facilities such as double distillation unit, Deionizing units, electronic balance, double distillation unit, hot air oven; titration facility, pH Meter, Conductivity meter, flame photometer and spectrophotometer. The laboratory needs improvements for geochemical analysis of rocks and minerals by acquiring advanced equipments such as AAS.

               A Groundwater Survey laboratory is established that caters to the exploration of aquifers and analysis of water samples. The department own capacity for the analysis of 20 elements and the determination of water characteristics like hardness, turbidity and alkalinity.

               Additional resources include Rock Cutting Machine (to obtain rock chips) grinding machine (to make thin sections of rocks) polishing machine (to make polished sections of ore minerals) and sieving machine (for size analysis of sediments). Students are trained to utilize these facilities as part of their practical classes. Even though adequate number of petrological microscopes (to study thin sections of rocks and minerals) are available a petrology laboratory could not be established due to space constraints

               The Geology Museum with a large collection of minerals, ore minerals, rocks and fossils collected from all over India. Frequent exposure and class demonstration enables the students to identify these specimens quickly and easily. This museum has helped students to get familiarized with the rocks and minerals from different parts of India.

Rock Garden

 Rock Garden is an innovative concept that displays an array of mega/large scale specimen collection of rocks, minerals and fossils in an open environment. Geologic rock garden is a valuable educational resource that allows students to learn about geology in a more efficient and satisfying way, as a natural extension of our laboratory exercises.  This hands-on facility provides students and visitors with a more realistic sense of geologic principles.


The department library houses 1255 technical books, 5 Journals and a science periodical. A staff member has been given additional charge of the library and hence students have access to it from 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM Over the years, the Department has received books, journals, newsletters and special publications as donation from Geology departments/organizations.  On an average, 210 issues/renewals of books are made every week.

               Highly rated peer reviewed journals are subscribed. This is in keeping with the view that faculty and students should keep pace with latest information in research.  Journal of the Geological Society of India, Current Science, Resonance, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Journal of Earths system Science and Down to Earth (Science and Environment fortnightly) have been made available during this period. Most of books on Geology are published abroad and are hence costly. During the past five years ....... books have been added to the library. Therefore number of books that can be acquired out of amount allotted to the department is limited.

2. Vision and Mission


 Render basic knowledge of formation, processes and components of earth, with insights into how geology is related to the existence, development  and welfare of human beings on the planet


  • Develop basic  understanding of origin and processes of the Earth
  • Facilitate teaching – learning on rocks and minerals, land forms, fossils and structures in rocks
  • Implant knowledge in economics of rocks, mining methods, geophysics and Remote sensing
  • Establish understanding on environmental and engineering aspects of Geology
  • Inculcate critical thinking through synthesize of theoretical knowledge with experiments

3. Facilities

  • Advanced Petrological and Mineralogical Microscopy Lab
  • GIS Lab
  • Geochemical Lab
  • Groundwater survey Lab
  • Reseach lab

Library: 1255 technical books, 5 Journals and a science periodical.

Smart classrooms: 4 class rooms with smart boards and LCD facility

IT: GIS Lab with connectivity and latest versions of softwares like ARC GIS. Q GIS and ERDAS


4. Achievements

Teachers : Members in university academic bodies, external experts and resource persons

Students : University ranks in BSc and MSc, Arts and Sports activities .

5. Activities

            Organised national Seminars, Conferences, workshops, training programmes

            Department Associations: GeoForum, GeoAlumini Association

            Extension activities: Lectures in schools, Geo exhibitions

Outreach programmes: Groundwater investigation  survey