Contact Info
Date of Birth |
Permanent address |
Kottekkattuparambil House Kottat, West Chalakudy P. O. 680307 Thrissur, Kerala, India.
Mobile | +91 9496794625, +91 7907046923 |
ajay2k@gmail.com | |
Date of Joining |
Associate Professor (Geology)
Degrees obtained
- Ph. D. from National institute of oceanography, Goa, India, in a topic of Marine Geology
and Geophysics. The degree is awarded in Marine Science by Goa University, India (2011).
- M.Sc. in Geology (2003), University of Kerala, Kerala, India
- B.Sc. in Geology (2000), University of Calicut, Kerala, India
- Awarded FLAIR (Fostering Linkages in Academic Innovations and Research) National Internship (2014-15) by Higher Education Council, Government of Kerala
- Awarded Junior Research Fellowship in 2003 by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India
- Qualified National eligibility test for lectureship conducted by University Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi, India
Teaching Experience
- More than 14 years of experience as an Assistant Professor in the Post Graduate departments of Geology at Government College Kasargod and Government College Kottayam
- Handled both the Under Graduate and Post Graduate programmes
- FLAIR Internship (February-March 2015) at International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B) on ‘Course Design’ based on ADDIE Model and MOODLE Learning Management System.
Co-curricular activities
- Restructuring of B. Sc. Geology (UG) Syllabus of Kannur University (2009)
- Syllabus reconstruction of B.Sc. & M. Sc. Geology programme at Mahatma Gandhi university (2011, 2017 & 2019).
As Resource Person
- On Outcome Based Education (OBE) trainings given to college teachers by Kerala State Higher Education Council at various colleges.
- On seminars and workshops in Geoscience
Positions held
University level:
MG University, Kottayam
- Chairman, Board of Examiners, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Geology (Odd Semesters) since 2018
- Member of Board of studies, B.Sc. Geology, 2020-2022
- Convener of Vigilance Squad for university examinations 2018-2020
- Chief and external examiner for university paper valuation and practical examinations respectively since 2017
Other Universities
- Member of board of studies, B.Sc. Geology, 2018-2020, Kannur University, Kerala
- Chairman, Board of Examiners, M.Sc. Applied Geology, 2019 onwards, University of Calicut, Kerala.
- External examiner for practical examinations
- Question paper setter for both BSc & MSc Programmes in Geology
College level:
- Resident Tutor of Men’s Hostel (2009-2013)
- Co-ordinator of UGC-Remedial coaching programme (2012-13)
- Nodal officer of EDUSAT programmes (2014-2017)
- Convenor of Music Club (2015-2019 & 2022-23)
- Internal Mentor of WWS programme (2015-2019)
- Convener of ORICE programmes (2018 onwards)
- Convenor of Career Guidance Cell (2018-19)
- Co-Principal investigator of the project entitled ‘Evaluation of the metamorphic history of Kerala Segment of Madurai Granulite Block’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE), 2017-2022.
- Co-investigator & Coordinator of the project entitled ‘Research on Petrology, Hydrogeology, Disaster Management and Neotectonism’ sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE), 2015-18.
Thrust areas of Research
- Geochemical and fluid inclusion analysis of metamorphic rocks, and interpretation of their petrogenetic evolution
- Hydro-geochemical analysis of ground water to study their type and chemical quality for domestic and irrigation purposes
- Multi-channel seismic data analysis and Interpretation of evolutional history of passive continental margins and offshore basins
- Seismic sequence stratigraphic correlation with drill well data
- 2D gravity modeling of rifted continental margins based on free-air gravity seismic velocity, and magnetic data
- Multi-beam bathymetry survey, data processing and interpretation
Conferences/Seminars (Made presentations) International:
- The 7th international conference on Asian marine geology, 2011, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India.
- National Seminar on Landslides in Kerala-Mechanics, Stability and hazards, 2 & 3 December 2019, organized by the Department of Geology, Government College, Kottayam, Kerala, India
- National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Geosciences, 14 & 15 December 2017, held at Government College, Kottayam, Kerala, India
- UGC SAP DRS Phase II conference - Shear zones and Crustal Blocks of Southern India Vol (3), 15 & 16 February 2016, held at Department of Geology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
- National Conference on Recent Trends in the Tectonics of Peninsular India, 5 & 6 February 2016, Thiruvananthapuram.
Seminars/Workshops/Webinars co-ordinated
- National Seminar on ‘Earthquake: Prediction and Preparedness’, 27 & 28 January 2016, sponsored by Collegiate Education Department, Kerala, and organized by Department of Geology, Government College, Kottayam.
- National level work shop on Disaster management: strategies & challenges, 22 & 23 November 2018, sponsored by the Department of higher education, Kerala, and organized by the Department of geology, Government College, Kottayam.
- International webinar on ‘Perspectives on highland instability of Southwest India’, 2- 4 November 2020, organized by the Department of geology, Government College, Kottayam.
Seminars & conferences attended
- National seminar on “Environmental Impacts of Mining on Western Ghats” March 2015, Government College, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- State wide seminar on “Ground water resources of Kerala: Retrospect and prospect”, March 2013, Government college, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- National seminar on “Recent trends in petroleum exploration”, February 2010, Government College, Kasargod, Kerala, India
- National seminar on Human rights issues in early marriage, 17 October 2013, University of Calicut, Kerala, India
Research contributions
- Ajay, K.K. and Chaubey, A.K., 2008. Depth anomalies in the Arabian Basin, NW Indian Ocean. Geo-Marine Letters, 28:15-22.
- Chaubey, A.K. and Ajay, K.K., 2008. Structure and tectonics of western continental margin of India: implication for geological hazards. In: Workshop on natural hazards and coastal processes of Indian coast, proceedings volume, NIO Regional Centre, Visakhapatnam, pp 25-33.
- Ajay, K.K., Chaubey, A.K., Krishna, K.S., Gopala Rao, D and Sar, D., 2010. Seaward dipping reflectors along the SW continental margin of India: evidence for volcanic passive margin. Journal of Earth System Science, 119(6):803-813.
- Gopala Rao, D., Paropkari, A.L., Krishna, K.S., Chaubey, A.K., Ajay, K.K. and Kodagali, V.N., 2010. Bathymetric highs in the mid-slope region of the western continental margin of India – Structure and mode of origin. Marine Geology, 276(1-4): 58-70.
Seminar proceedings:
- P.G. Dilip Kumar, Ashruf, A.S. & Ajay, K.K., 2018, Hydrogeochemical characteristics of upper Manimala River Basin, Idukky, Kottayam & Pathanamthitta districts, Kerala, In: Eduworld, Spc. Issue (12): 283-298. ISSN 2319-7129
- Ram, M.P., Ajay, K.K. & A. Gopinathan Nair, 2020. Geoscience Curriculum: Approach through Learning Taxonomy and Outcome Based Education. Higher Education for the Future, 7(1):22-44. DOI:10.1177/2347631119886403
- A.U. Anish, K.R. Baiju, K.K. Ajay, M.S. Aryapriya, S. Chandana, and H.S. Parvathy, 2022, Tectonic interferences in the evolution of Tropical River Basin, South Western Ghats, India: Evidences from hierarchical drainage network anomalies. Journal of Geosciences Research, 7(1):72-80. ISSN:2455-1953
Citation indices
All Since 2010
Trainings and workshops attended
- International online workshop on ‘Opensource computing, Multi-media and Open access publishing tool’ conducted by ‘Archbishop Kavukattu Central Library, Assumption College (Autonomous), Changanacherry, from 6th September to 23rd September 2021,
- Online course on Remote Sensing & GIS Technology and Applications for University Teachers and Government Officials, 13 June – 1 July 2020, conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun, India
- Workshop on Geoinformatics, 20-22 February 2019, conducted by Geological Survey of India, Marine and Coastal Survey Division, Cochin, India, under Bhuvisamvad Programme at Government College, Kottayam
- Refresher course in Environmental Sciences, 09–29 January 2018, conducted by UGC- HRDC, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
- Workshop for faculty in Geology on Mineralogy & Igneous Petrology, 15-29 May 2018, organized by Department of Geology, government College Kottayam, Kerala, India
- State level Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment, 8-10 February 2018, at School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
- GIS Training Programme on ArcGIS 2: Essential Work flaws, 8-10 March 2017, at Kottayam, Kerala, India
- Application of isotope techniques in water resource management, March 2016, at Centre for water resources development and management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
- Faculty Development programme, 2015 July 30 - August 12, organized by the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
- Induction training Phase-II of FLAIR, July 2015, in modern teaching and learning methods, at Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
- FLAIR National Internship 2015 at International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B) on ‘Course Design’ based on ADDIE Model and MOODLE Learning Management System
- Training programme of FLAIR, November 2014, on communication skill development at Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
- Five days induction training of FLAIR, November 2013, in modern teaching and learning methods, at Ulloor, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
- Orientation programme, September-October 2013, organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Calicut, Kerala, India
- Workshop on “Precambrian plate tectonics: Recent advances from southern India and East Antarctica, 3 January 2013, Department of geology, University of Kerala, India
- Orientation programme for university and college teachers on Student welfare activities, 12 October 2010, conducted by Department of student services, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India
- National workshop on marine geology and geophysics, October-November 2007, organized by National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India
Other work experiences
- Marine geological and geophysical data acquisition onboard research vessels RV- Sonne and CRV-Sagar Sukthi
- Multi-beam and side-scan sonar data processing in Fugro Survey Middle East, Abu- Dhabi, UAE