Date of Birth | |
Permanent address | |
Mobile | 9447415110 |
drsreelathasajeev@gmail.com | |
Date of Joining |
M.Sc.in Physics Mahatma Gandhi University (1993)
M.Phil (Physics) CUSAT(1995)
Ph. D in Physics June, 2000.
Department of Physics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Thesis Title(Theory) Integrability studies on some perturbed nonlinear evolution equations.
Supervisor Prof(Dr.). K.Babu Joseph, Former Vice Chancellor, CUSAT
Teaching Experience :22 Years
Research experience :26 years (including Ph.D period)
Ph.Ds : 4 awarded.
: 4 ongoing
M.Phils Awarded : 3
M.Sc Projects Supervised > 60
Refereed Research Publications : 40
Conference Proceedings : 35 ( 15 international and 20 national)
Book edited : 2 ( Elsavier2020, Springer 2021)
Book chapters : 4
Invited talks : > 25
AREAS OF INTEREST: (Theory and Experimental)
Nonlinear dynamics, Optical solitons, Chaos and its applications, Nonlinear Optics, Photovoltaics, Nanomaterials and their applications.
- PI of KSCSTE-SRS project
Title : Natural Dyes: efficient candidate for DSSCs
Duration : 2015-18
- P I of SER-DST project (Theoretical), Government of India, under the Women’s Scientist Scheme(WOS-A-2004).
Title : “Optical Computing using solitons”.
Duration : 2004 - 2007.
- Co-PI for a short term project on Quantum dot Based Solar Cells, approved by IISc, under INUP Scheme.
(1) Dr. Jinchu I : KSCSTE PDF- (2018-2020)
(2) Dr. Sunsu Kurien Thottil - KSCSTE-CMNKPDF- (2023 – 2025)
- Research Guide, M. G University Research centre, Dept. of Physics. Govt. College, Kottayam
- Member IQAC, Govt. College, Kottayam ( 2014-2018)
- Convener, Inter disciplinary Forum for Research, GCK(2018-2020)
- More than 20 years experience in teaching graduate and post graduate level. These include teaching lectures and doing laboratory works. Experience in guiding projects for graduate, post graduate and M.Phil students.
- Member in the Examination Boards of Kerala University. (Question paper preparation for UG and PG courses , Member in the Scruitiny Committee of Question Papers)
- Member in the Examination Board of various Autonomous Colleges under M.G University(C.M.S.College, Kottayam, Maharaja College, Ernakulam, St.Teresa’s College, Ernakulam, Assumption Collge, Changanassery)
- Served as Observer foe KEAM-16 Entrance Examination of Government of Kerala.
- Member in various Doctoral Committees of Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus,
- Faculty Consultant for the Amrita Virtual Labs (project by MHRD, INDIA) project.
- Co-Developer of Engineering Physics Course-MHRD pedagody Project at Amrita
- More than five years experience as the Department Chairperson at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University
- Member in the Board of studies for Physical Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus.
- Coordinator for the 5 year integrated M.Sc programme(Physics and Mathematics) of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University from 2006-2011
- Worked as committee member and coordinator of the Curriculam and Syllabi preparation of 5- year Integrated M.Sc Programme(Physics & Mathematics of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus.
- University Representative for Conducting Entrance test of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham for various academic programmes
- Dr.K.BabuJoseph, Former Vice Chancellor, CUSAT
- Prof. K. V.Rao, Material Science Department, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Dr.M.S.Roy, Defence Research Lab, Jodhpur, Rajastan
- Dr.Rosmin Elsa Mohan, NUS, Singapore